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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I sing with my diaphragm (not my throat)?

Question: How do I sing with my diaphragm (not my throat)!?
How do I sing with my diaphragm (not my throat)!?
Alot of people tell me that I need to sing with my diaphragm, and not my throat!. How do I do this!? also, How can I Expand my vocal chords!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, lay on the floor and put your hand on your stomach and breathe!. Notice your hand go up and down as you inhale/exhale!.
Now, you have to sing the same way as you breathe!. If you scream, you are pushing with your stomach!. Notice !?!? S"o, when you want to sing loud, you push harder with the stomach muscle (diaphram)!.
Now stand up and put your hand on your stomach and feel the stomach muscles tighten!. This will come naturally after 1 week and you will save problems with your throat!.

If you are doing this right, you should be able to sing for hours, 7 days a week and not damage your throat nor feel any pain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you sing, take a deep breath and push the air out from your diaphragm, you should feel your stomach tighten up, that will help you save your air for each note!.the more you sing your vocal chords will loosen up and that will expand them!. But you must protect them, from the wheather by keeping your throat wrap if its cold when you sing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com