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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I play clarinet and im in marching band. would you consider this geeky?

Question: I play clarinet and im in marching band!. would you consider this geeky!?
my mom is making me do it and its harder than it looksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you notice that the only ones saying that it's geeky are the guys on here!?!? Just an observation!.

Who cares what people think of you!. When you go to your 10 year reunion, it'll be hilarious to see most of the popular people as alcoholic townys that didn't do anything with themselves except for have children with each others high school sweet hearts!. ha ha!!! well, it happened in my class anyway, :) PRICELESS!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who consider it geeky don't really deserve to be listened to!. An instrument is a difficult thing to master and there is only nobility and intellect involved with playing an instrument!.
Will some people look at it with laughter!? Sure, there are idiots everywhere!. If this is what YOU want to do then by all means do it but know that it will take years of dedication to become good at it!.

Therefore If you don't want to play it, then don't because you will have invested a lot of time!. Pick an instrument that you can't live without playing!. Then dedicate you all to mastering it!. I guarantee you will be a smarter person at having learned to master an instrument in the most difficult of languages, MUSIC!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I played Clarinet all through middle school and high school!. I got really good at it and soon enough, it wasn't geeky any more!. Marching band was not my fave,so don't forget about concert band, symphonic, orchestra and jazz!. Remember, practice makes perfect!.

Nothing is geeky, when you are the best at it, and anyone who says you are, can take a hike!. They are jealous of your talents!.

If it's assumed one is geeky because they are in the band, then all cheerleaders are sluts, all jocks are idiots, etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've played clarinet for six years, and I'm in marching band!. It's a lot of work, but man was it worth it!. It's a different level of discipline that you're not used to!. It's not geeky, but then again that's coming from the point of view of someone who loves clarinet/marching band!. You'll make friends and love it, I promise (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

your mom is MAKING you do it!? Uh uh!. No way sister!. I played saxophone in marching band, my old high school was the atlantic coast champions 3 years in a row running when I played with them!. I would do it because YOU WANT to learn an instrument, not because someone is MAKING you!.

And it's not geeky!. The only reason people pick on kids that play an instrument is because they don't have the brains or talent that it takes and they're JEALOUS so they do it to make themselves look cooler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HELL NO! MY friend is a clarinet player (same age as I: 14) and she's like punk/scene!. Mqrching band is a pain in the ***, but then again I have to deal with it for 4 (!?) more years!. It's not geeky though!. Most of the preps at my school play saxophone or clarinet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats not geeky at all!.
I use to play the flute in the marching band,
but i had to quit because i had to take different classes to get my GPA up and to make up some classes that i failed!.
I really miss doing it!. It was a lot of fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not think that it is considered geeky!. If I did then that would be calling myself a geek!. I played clarinet for 4 years, but did quit after my school started a marching band!. It was very rewarding and a nice hobby to have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am in marching band too!. and yes it is way harder than it looks!.
yes it is geeky and i love it!. don't be ashamed to do it!. i made tons of friends in marching band and i learned a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it definitely is!. But if you stop playing, doesn't mean you won't be a geek anymore, (assuming you are one now)!. If you weren't a geek you probably wouldn't care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very much so!.!.!. at my school we only had 1 clarinet player that was a guy and we made fun of him all the timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

i would say geek! but if you like it do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com