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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Basic embouchure for saxophone?

Question: Basic embouchure for saxophone!?
I made a post earlier here, involving how I seem to always be out of tune!. http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/!?qid=2!.!.!.

After buying a tuner!.!.!. I believe I've developed some TERRIBLE embouchure habits!. If I tune my G (with octave), the normal G is relatively flat!.

What I'm trying to do therefore, is always tune the G (with octave) and be able to play every other note in tune as well, and this will be through tightening/loosining my embouchure, depending on whether the note I'm playing is higher or lower than the G (with octave key -- this is getting redundant, I gotta figure out what this note is called lol)!.

However, no matter how much I loosen/tighten my embouchure, it seems that I still can't get he note in tune!. Are there any tips for loosening/tightening!? I'm willing to forget all I've learned previously to re-learn how to play in tune!. What I'm asking is like, which muscles should I am to tighten, and how do I go abouts in doing so!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, do not adjust the embouchure!. The embouchure and your jaw (other than very minute changes for vibrato) should be set the same no matter what note or range of the saxophone you are in!. The changes you make will be with your throat position and tongue position!. To adjust the throat, say "eeee-ahh" and you'll get the idea of throat position changes!. This is controllable and very adjustable!. FInd an embouchure (just tight enough to seal around the mouthpiece and reed and relaxed) and stick with it!. You want it to be comfortable so that you feel no extra pressures or tightness!. Figure out where you are in tune on the saxophone!. Then start your long tones, and work on adjusting your throat to make the changes!.
As you are saying that a lot of adjustment won't adjust the pitch enough, you might want to take the saxophone into the shop and have the technician look it over to make sure the keys are in proper height adjustment!.
Another thing is, go get a private lesson teacher!. They can make sure that when you change something, you are doing it correctly and not establishing a bad habit right away!. also, a teacher who sees you face to face is going to be better than any website or forum like this because they get to see what you are doing!. We don't!. We can't model well for you because we aren't there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com