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Question: Band nerds - is this good!?
In my band we recently had auditions!. We played our scales and an etude for our band director!. I'm really nervous about how I did, and so is my friend!. When she finished her audition, he smiled and said thank you/good job!. When I finished mine he talked to me for a long time about taking private lessons, and said I could be really great if I took them!. Then he said I did well!.!.!.!.

Which one do you think did better, based on the comments!? We can't figure out if asking if you take private lessons is good or bad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a professional, I would say he saw something in you that the others don't have!. If I take the time to judge somebody worthwhile, I will definitely take the time to help that certain students, no doubt!.
If he said that you would really be great, means, that you have the potential to be a great musician above the rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, you could look at it one of two ways!. Your director could see the potential in you, and know that if you took some private lessons, you would be great, really, lessons cant help someone who is helpless, they can only help people who have a chance!. He also might have just told your friend good job because she doesnt have a chance!. However, if he is the type of person to be truthful, he could mean exactly what he says!. So I guess it just depends on what type of person your director is!. No matter the outcome, your love of music is all that matters, and as long as you prove that to your director, you still might get the higher position!. Look at it this way, if he didnt care, he wouldnt have even told you to get lessons!. You might try posting this question on my website, http://www!.bandnerdsanonymous!.org there might be someone who can offer another opinion!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your director took extra time with you to see to it that you get every opportunity to grow! your friend may not be as good or as serious, or perhaps she already takes lessons,!.!.!.!.maybe she completely kicked you r butt! The main thing here is to take your directors encouragement and advice to heart, get lessons with a great teacher-push yourself hard! Become that awesome monster musician that gets all the senior awards & scholarships! BE PROUD, WORK HARD, & GEEK TO THE MAX! who knows, there could be a career in it for you!

btw; the best competition is competing with yourself, doing your personal best each time and improving your skills!. Great bands are made up of people who do just that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't tell anyone to take private lessons unless I thought he/she really had the potencial to be outstanding!. Your friend did well, but she wasn't probably anything special!.!.!.you were!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would take the lessons!.!. however!.!. they are expensive!.!.what is it worth to you !?Www@QuestionHome@Com