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Question: I'm doing choir next year, I need advice!?
Well I am going to be a senior and yeah this is my first year doing choir because it's hard w/ band and seminary!.!.!. Anyways, I have been told I have an amazing voice but my range is eh!. How can I improve my range over the summer w/ out lessons!. I'm gunna be a counsler at a summer camp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best way to improve your range is to practice & do warm ups, going a little higher and a little lower each time!. Your vocal chords are muscles, and just like any other muscle group, you get stronger & can do more the more you use it!. Try a simple pattern - do re mi fa sol fa mi re do (in the key of C - C D E F G F E D C) on a bright Ee vowel sound!. Start in the middle of your range and go up by half steps as high as is comfortable!. Try to get a little higher each time!. Then do the same thing, going down by half steps!. If you have access to a piano, you can keep yourself on pitch better & check your progress!. also, try doing some high sighs & sirens!. Yawn in a deep breath & keep that open feeling in the back of your throat!. Then, starting as high as you can, sigh down your voice as low as you can!. Try it again, but try to start a little higher!. For a siren, you start at the bottom of your voice and go up as high as possible before coming back down!.

Something else that will be very helpful in choir - work on your sight reading skills!. You mentioned seminary, so I assume that you attend church services (RULDS2!?)!. During the service, sing the hymns!. If you normally sing the melody, try singing the tenor part!. If you usually sing tenor, try bass!. Being able to sing harmony & hold your own part (not just sing what you hear the person next to you singing) will be a huge help to you and to your choir teacher!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say practice makes perfect!. You have a range, and all you can do to improve it really is practice!.
Not everyone needs lessons, and that's the good part about being a singer!. If you already have experience, then that's a bonus!.

I'd say, coming from a singers p!.o!.v, just practice, and don't push yourself too hard!. Just stick to what you can do, and just enjoy your singing!. That's the most important thing to remember!.

Have fun, and I wish you all the best!
