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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to play my Bluesband harmonica?

Question: How to play my Bluesband harmonica!?
I just found my old harmonica but have never learned to play it!.

Could anyone give me a quick tutorial or some personal advice!?

When I suck in air through the harmonica, it creates a different note/pitch!.!.!.am i supposed to be doing that to get certain notes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Each hole in a harmonica contains 2 reeds - you get one note by blowing into it, and a different one by sucking or drawing in!. This is how you get all the different notes you need!.

You need to use your lips and tongue to block off all of the holes except the one you want for the note you want to play!. Then you move up and down the harmonica from one hole to the next as needed, blowing and drawing air in and out to get the notes you want to play the melody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com