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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What clarinet makers are out there that offer clarinet in the custom made range?

Question: What clarinet makers are out there that offer clarinet in the custom made range!?
Something that costs multiple thousands of dollars!.
similar to the Ziyazawa/Boston of flutes!.

or also, if the Buffet Pro line is your recommendation, please say so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Patricola http://www!.patricola!.com/ is certainly in that range you refer to with flutes (Miyazawa btw)!. Stephen Fox is a pretty well known custom maker too!. http://www!.sfoxclarinets!.com/Intro!.html

However, there must be some reason that so many symphony pros are playing the Buffet R13 and that so many jazz pros are playing the Selmer Paris!.

I own one of those insanely expensive handmade flutes (Altus) and it is indeed way above anything mass produced!. I've never played a Patricola or Fox clarinet - my good soprano is a vintage Conn and my preferred bass is the Selmer Paris!. The contra is no-contest, Leblanc!. But, there's a custom shop making a really fine contra-bass now - http://www!.eppelsheim!.com/kontrabass_kla!.!.!. and I'd love to put some air through one and check it out!.

You just have to pick some up and put some air through them to find your horn!. That's the only real way!. In clarinets, don't discount the major manufacturers because they aren't customs though - those are truly fine instruments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com