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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should i learn guitar or bass? i know bass is easier to learn but is guitar more

Question: Should i learn guitar or bass!? i know bass is easier to learn but is guitar more worth it!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd really recommend working with both!. The reason being, learning bass brings you to learn the fretboard a lot better since you're playing with notes!. This helps you later on with the guitar because you'll have a better understanding of chord formation, be able to develop your own chords, and you'll also have an easier time learning/playing lead guitar!.

Personally, I started on the guitar, moved to bass, and then moved back to the guitar!. Worked well for me in regard to gaining a greater understanding of that fretboard, as well as bringing me an appreciation for "groove!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I play both!.
One wasn't easier to learn than the other, though!.
There are some songs that I just HAVE TO learn the guitar part to, and some with the bass!.
When you listen to a song, if you listen mostly to the melody, then i suggest guitar!. But if you listen to the bass more, then play the bass!.

Or you could just play both!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Learn both if you can!. Otherwise, if you have no one to play with, play guitar!. Bass is doesn't really do to well in the soloing department so you will get tired of playing stuff that you can't sing along with or anything!. If you're playing with other people, bass is a lot of fun! I'd seriously try and work it out so you can learn both!. Usually, if you learn guitar, you can learn bass guitar REALLY easily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it's personal prefrence they both play an important roll
I play in a band the bass is very important because it is the
foundation of the melody line which follows the drum line!.
but with the guitar you can do a lot more like soloing or
putting in more flavor of chords!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Guitar is more worth it since you can play a wider range of notes so you can play more songs, so you should at least try it a little while!. And if I'm right, learning bass should help make learning guitar easier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends what you want to do with it!. If you want to be in a band, I would reccomend bass, if you want to just learn it for your enjoyment I would reccommend guitar because it's more of a challenge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bass can be easier, this 2-string bass is the easiest
