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Question: Wicked the Muscial!.!?
If you could!.!.
If you could be one character from Wicked, who would it be!?
Liek Elpheba, if you were born green, and you had a spell to take it off, would you!?
What is your FAVORITE song from Wicked!?!?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, I LOVE Wicked and my favorite character is GALINDA!!
I am blonde and LOVE girly and pink things, but sometimes I am majorly AWKWARD!!!!!
My fave songs from Wicked are:
~Defying Gravity
~No Good Deed
~The Wizard and I
~What Is This Feeling!?
: P
WICKED ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please, at least spell a character's name correctly!. Its Elphaba, not Elpheba!. Elphaba was taken from L!. Frank Baum(the author of The Wizard of Oz)'s initials LFB,

To answer you're question, I'd be Elphaba!. And even if there was a spell to take the green off, I wouldn't!.

I absolutely love all the songs in Wicked, so I'll just list them by how much I like them:

1!. Defying Gravity
2!. No Good Deed
3!. The Wicked Witch of the East (not on soundtrack because it has too many spoilers)
4!. For Good
5!. As long as your mine
6!. I'm not that girl/I'm not that girl (reprise)
7!. The Wizard and I
8!. What is this feeling!?
9!. One short day
10!. Popular
11!. Dancing Through Life
12!. No One mourns the Wicked
13!. Thank Goodness
14!. Wonderful
15!. Finale
16!. A sentimental man
17!. Dear old Shiz
18!. March of the witch hunters
19!. Something bad

In regards to your edit, its sort of okay you spelled it wrong, it just bugs me when people say they love Wicked, but they don't know how to spell a character's name properly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com