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Question: 13 yr!. old start violin!?
I am an excessive 13 year old in band, and I'd wish to know if I'd be ready to try out violin!. I can play the flute and I started piano, and I must say, for teaching myself, I've rocketed beyond what i believed what my success would be in the piano area!. ^^; Is the violin really hard!? Does it hurt your fingers!? What is hard about it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The violin is nothing like flute or piano!. It is extremely hard!. But I still encourage you to play it! If you do decide to start, be prepared in the first 2 years for a long, discouraging journey!. Don't give up, because those first years are tough!.

Your fingers will only hurt for a few weeks, but that's not the main problem!. Then thing that's so hard about the violin is that it is the ultimate multi-tasking instrument!. (Yes, more multi-tasking than the drum set!.) Here's a short, incomplete list of what you have to do at the same time:

-Read the music
-hold the bow right
-decide what bow style to use
-decide how you're going to distribute the bow
-hold the violin right
-decide what finger position and what finger to use (since there's multiple ways of playing the same note, depending on what kind of tone and color you want)
-articulation of the fingers
-playing in tune: there's no frets like the guitar so you have to listen (Intonation is a BIG problem!)
-shifting to the right position
-deciding how far the bow needs to be from the bridge depending on what position your other hand is in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The violin is much like any other string instrument in the way of hurting the fingers!. It doesn't hurt, par say, but it will be a little different than what you are used to!. I too play many different instruments, three before the guitar and violin!. Once you are used to the positioning of your fingers, and knowing where the notes are located, you are home free!. The hardest part is not looking at the violin while producing music (or !.!.!.notes dare I say)!. Go for it!. There's nothing stopping you but yourself, and with the rate of your confidence, for a 13 year old you have nothing to lose!. The more the merrier!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

violin is a great instrument! if your really into it u should deff play it!. Yes it is hard, but then again there is no easy instrument (at least thats wat i think)!. im not really sure if it hurts ur fingers because ive been playin for years so i dont remember, but if it hurts at first then u deff get used to it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violin is kinda hard!. I play some flute and very little violen, and flute is easy becuase you just have to press the keys, unlike the violen!. Flute is hard because you have to blow, unlike the violen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't really hurt the fingers, but you'll need a private teacher!. It takes about five years to get into the violin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no reason why u couldnt try it my cousin who is like 10 has been playing the violin since she was 5Www@QuestionHome@Com