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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Which Acoustic guitar should I get? Plus clarification Pix Included!?

Question: Which Acoustic guitar should I get!? Plus clarification Pix Included!!?
Is the Ibanez Nylon string guitar or steel string acoustic!.!.based on the description I cannot tell but it seems to me steel string acoustic guitar!? What is it!? What abut the Luna Fauna!? And which one would be better to get!? What do you think people!?

This the ibanez

Luna Fauna


Thank you musicians! Really appreciatedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could always tell the difference between steel
strings and nylon strings guitars by the way the "tuning nubs" are facing!.
Nylon guitars have the "tuning nubs" facing back; for Steel strings they face to the side (like ears)!.
also only the steel strings guitars have pegs (bottoms-like) to set the strings at the bridge!.

Both of the guitars you are asking about are steel
strings acoustics!.

As far as which one would be better -
Only YOU can decide AFTER playing them both!.
Photos cannot tell you anything about "playability"!.
Two identical looking guitars from the same maker can"feel" quite different to the player!.

The price difference could imply a more "refined"
product but not necessarily so!.
Some "obscure label" guitars can be as good or
better than heavily advertised label!.

The proof comes after trying them yourself!.
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you REALLY want one of those I'd go with the ibanez just cause I know the name better but still, I don't really like ibanez acoustics!.

Yamaha usually dominates for best tone and feel at this price range!. (when buying brand new) I'd have to agree with wateva on the Yamaha!.

Before you buy anything, try a pawn shop!. Used guitars usually have better tone and better prices!. Remember, it's more about tone and comfort than anything else!. Always try guitars out before you buy them!. If you find a really nice sounding guitar at a pawn shop that's kinda beat up, just remember, you're probably going to beat your guitar up!.

I had to move out of this price range and upgrade to a $700 martin because, really, anything below $300 is kinda a beginner guitar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I agree with Wateva!.

The Ibanez and the Indigo LunaMoth look nice, but you are going to want one that performs, and that's where Yamaha (In my opinion) take the gold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wouldnt get either of those

check this out it is around the same price, but it comes with a solid spruce top!.


I have an Ibanez pf that plays great and I love it!.
doesent sound or play as well as my d55 guild but for 200 bucks I dont mind beatin the hell out of it as much eatherWww@QuestionHome@Com