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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hi im in year 11 and i need to sing a song for the levers accembly..?

Question: Hi im in year 11 and i need to sing a song for the levers accembly!.!.!?
do uhave any ideas on what i can sing
a song that sends a message

thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Depends what kind of voice you have, I guess!.
I'll name some good ones though!.

High Voices:
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas
The Dark Side Of The Moon - Mulan
All Things Bright And Beautiful (assuming you want a hymn)

Medium-ish Voice (actually, mezzo, but whatever!.):
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina and The Waves
Can't Speak French - Spice Girls (for a laugh)

Lower Voice:
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
or any of the above in a different key, you can buy them in music books

Disney songs are just something standard to sing in public nowadays!.
Luck =) xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com