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Question: How come I can't read music!.!.!.!?
I have been playing instruments since i was veryy little, to the fact that when I was like six I was playing Fir Elise on this little tiny keyboard!. Now I have a guitar and a keyboard and I want to buy a digital piano from casio, one of those privia ones!. But after all of my musical teachers (I've been taught flute, violin, piano, and guitar) I still can't read music!!! Is there some reason why I'm so illiterate towards notes!? I only play by ear but it's such a downfall since I can't join any musical clubs in my school because they tell me i have to know how to read music!. What's wrong with me!!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I play the violin and can translate anything from the violin to the piano!. There are lots of ways to help you learn how to read the notes!. I didn't know how to either but now my music teacher asks me to help her teach new students that do not know anything about the violin!. First start off with those easy books even if you know them just keep doing it because even those easy books for beginners teach you a lot!. I have been playing for five years and I am concert mistress at my school's symphonic orchestra!. Just practice man you'll be fine ;) I promise!. I used to test myself with the notes and right now I sometimes I have trouble but I work on the areas I have trouble on every day and I'll find some websites for you and email them if I can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no clue, but I had a huge difficulty learning to read notes on the piano too!.!.!.I have no problem reading guitar notes for some reason, though!. Try learning to play by ear, that's what I did, hahaha!. Start your own musical clubs, maybe!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont worry i dont know either but they don have teachers that can teach you its not the end of the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are two things that should register in a person's mind when they are reading music:
1!. what the note is called (a, b flat, c, etc!.)
2!. where that note is on the instrument (piano- which key, guitar which string/fret)
These should become automatic WITH PRACTICE, but they are two separate mental excercises and don't necessarily happen at the same time!.

#1 is the same with any instrument- an "a" is an "a" on every instrument!. Maybe this is the problem since you are having the same trouble with all instruments!? It may help you to memorize notes by writing the letter by the note (at first)!. Another shortcut is the acronym: Every Good Boy Does Fine!. A note on the bottom line (treble clef) is E (Every), the next line up is the note G (Good), etc!. The spaces on the staff, from bottom to top, spell out FACE!. There are little tricks to remembering this stuff, and it comes down to memorization!.

PM me if you like!. I guarantee I could teach you how to read music if this was real life and not an internet communication!. But I can try to explain this stuff the best I can!. Remember, that your teachers can only show you how to do something, they cannot do it for you!. Without practice, nothing will help!. Do you have any vision problems, learning difficulty, or difficulty reading words!?Www@QuestionHome@Com