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Question: Help! Really out of tune on Alto Sax!!?
Is it natural if I use a tuner and can get my high G in tune, but have my normal G very flat!? Likewise, tuning my G will make the higher G very sharp!. I have tried tightening my embouchure for the high G when my low G is in tune!.!.!. But it doesnt help a whole lot!.

also, notes like A or D are REALLY flat/sharp!. Any tips!? Is it all in the embouchure or perhaps it is my mouthpiece/sax!? ThxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While the difference between the two Gs shouldn't be a lot, there will be some intonation difference!. The G above the treble clef and higher on the saxophone all start going sharp, and the higher you go, the worse it gets!. also, the D and E in the upper part of the treble clef on a saxophone pull sharp, especially the D (upwards of a 1/4 pitch)!.
To solve these, first you must establish exactly what your embouchure is and stick with it!. It doesn't change, it doesn't move!. I would recommend making it loose and relaxed, but this is a personal choice!. Then, play long tones on every note with a tuner!. First go through and see what notes are sharp or flat, and by how much!. Then continue through again and figure out how much you have to change each note!. Continue this exercise until you can play through and know that you are in tune for each note and adjusting with no real thought!. It takes time and energy, but it is well worth it!. Very rarely will changing the mouthpiece or saxophone itself change intonation (exception being that many vintage horns have intonation issues that are worse than modern horns)!.

Another thing is to think of the fundamental pitch of the instrument and the overtone series!. The saxophone's lowest note is a Bb!. The overtone series for Bb is low Bb, The Bb one octave higher, the F above that, The Bb above that (one ledger line and a space above that), D above that, F above that (the rest of the series being in the altissimo register)!. These notes will tune more accurately and would actually be better for saxophonists to tune their instrument to as the instrument is tuned originally off these pitches!. The problem is that for an alto player to tune Bb on their own instrument, Concert pitch instruments (piano, guitar, flute, tuba, etc) will be in concert Db, which is a nasty key for just about anyone!. F isn't as bad, but that is still Ab for concert pitch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This sounds backwards!. Loosen your embrochure to flatten a note!.

I'm assuming you between low G and high G, you mean the two notes generated by just pressing the octave key with your left thumb (and not one of the super-high harmonics above high F)!. It's unlikely for that to go really out of tune!. Maybe you're biting too hard on the high G!. Practice with your tuner to see if you can pull each note into tune!. Actually, when you're playing with others, listen carefully, and you may be able to pull your notes to be in tune with everyone else!.

If the D is off, it could be a pad leaking air!.Www@QuestionHome@Com