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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is a person born with a beautiful voice or can you learn to sing?

Question: Is a person born with a beautiful voice or can you learn to sing!?
I really want to sing but my voice is just half way decent!.

I dunno If you have to be born with a gift or if you can work your voice to sing- I`m 17 do you have to start young to trully be able to gain the talent!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some people are born with voices that naturally have a pleasing timbre or sound quality to them, but they may or may not have a good ear for music and an ability to sing on pitch or in key!. Or they may be able to sing on pitch but not know how to project their voices in order to make themselves heard without hurting themselves!.

Singing is like any other musical ability!. Some people are born with an aptitude for music and it comes fairly easily to them, while others have to work at it!. Even those with aptitude have to apply themselves to make use of their talents!.

You may or may not be able to do much to improve the timbre or tone quality of your voice, but you can certainly learn to develop your ear for music, learn to sing in key and on pitch, and learn to project your voice loud and clear without straining or hurting yourself!.

At 17, you're still very young!. If you want to sing, take voice lessons !Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's easier to learn singing when you're young!. My mom can't sing that well, and she tried a couple of lessons at 45, but the teacher said it would be a lot of effort for her!. So she sent me, and I guess I had a natural voice!. Anyway, my point is that anyone can be trained to sing well if they put in the effort!. But you're seventeen, so your vocal chords should still be flexible enough to develop the natural talent!.

voice chords are a muscle,

you can train them, although natural ability comes into itWww@QuestionHome@Com
