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Question: Too late to learn how to play music!?
I'm 14, and im really interested in learning how to play different instruments!. The thing is that I have NEVER played an instrument before, so i have no knowledge whatsoever, including how to read music!. Is it too late!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO START!. people can start at any age, even 70!!!

I am 16 yrs old and I have been having irregular (lately) piano lessons for the past 3 years!. But I have been playing since I was about 10!.

Find out what you are interested in and if its music then do it!. I have only done one exam in my life for piano and it was a low level exam, but I am now doing music as a subject for my HSC!.

I taught myself to read music!. I could play proper contemporary songs before I even knew how to properly read bass clef!. I could read it, but not fluently, and I wrote the notes in!.

If you dont know what instrument you would like then think about what type of music you would enjoy playing!. Eg, if you like metal, I dont suggest you learn the cello, because you wont have songs to play that you love!.

In regards to the theory and all that, do what I did!. go to a music store, like a proper music store, not cds (or a book store might work) and just buy a basic book that has some starting off stuff in it!. Alfred's is a rather good line of books, and is what I started with!. Some books, depending on how much of an independent learner you are, can provide you with enough knowledge to jump from the first book straight to playing stuff you choose!. I would suggest you try and get some pieces off the internet so you have something to aim for!.

Play a piece and record yourself!. Do this when you are just starting!. DONT LISTEN TO IT!!!! It may not be encouraging!.
If you practice regularly, play the same song about 2 months later and record it!. Then listen to the original and the recent and see your progress,!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's never too late to play music!. But honestly at your age, it would be better because it's easier for younger people to learn to play music easier!. But it's hard work and you need to practice like everyday to become excellent!. I am 25 and trying to learn to play the guitar and reading music has just become so hard for me!. So if you really want it then go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I've come to realize is that it's better to learn stuff for yourself, figure things out, before getting a teacher or instructor!. Play around with the instruments you're most interested in until you get pretty used to how they feel and how well you can pick them out in songs!. My grandfather plays the fiddle, the lapsteel, and the guitar and started when he was fourteen!. He never learned how to read music, and when he taught me how to play, he taught me to play by ear!. If you can get used to picking out different sounds and tones first, and learn "tabs" (the online stuff for guitars, piano, bass and drum), you're already doing fine!. Learning how to read music is good, but unnecessary!. I personally love playing music, and you can probably find some good, friendly musicians who would be more than willing to help you out in your area!. I've only been playing since I was thirteen, and age is no object!. It's never too late :) Have fun! email me for advice if you want: horsey2ref@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Im 19 and in college and Ive never played an intrument in my life!. However, I aquired a guitar two months ago and have been learning to play it since!. In other words, you're NEVER to old to learn how to play an intrument!. All that matters is your motivation and dedication to wanting to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahaha! Too late!? i'm 21 and started to play guitar 3 years ago, now I consider myself very good, and so do my friends!. I can play bass guitar now too!. Its never to late to learn somthing new!. Just practice and you WILL get better!. Its good to also find someone who knows how to play what instrument you are interested in so they can teach you some useful things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok i am 16 and started playing trumpet at 13 and i am first chair in my whole highschool! it is NEVER too late to learn anything there is this guy on the news and he's 70 and in the second grade cuz he wants to learn how to read!. so NO its not too lateWww@QuestionHome@Com

nope!. you can start by taking band in your middle school or high school!. and no its not a nerdy class!. some people like sports but others prefer to play instruments!. heck you can probably do both if you put your mind to it =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you said you are 60 I would still say it's never too late!. You are 14!. Play man, PLAY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course not!. You're only 14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when your heart stops beating and you stop breathing, then its too late!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nah as long as you are willing to work at itWww@QuestionHome@Com