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Question: Violin competition in two days, and Im very nervous!!?
Is there anything you can suggest to help me be a bit less nervous during the performance!?! I have two seperate performances withing 20 min, and I have to sit down in between them, and listen to other people, then play again, which makes things even worse! I am playing alone, except for my piano accompanist!.
What I am most nervous about is forgetting a part of the peice halfway through!. I have it completally memorized now (and by the way, I am NOT allowed to have music with me) but when I perform infront of people, I tend to forget what comes next, then freak out! Any tips to what I can do to help this!?! Thanks soo much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All musicians know what you mean!.!.!.!.!.we all go through this, try and get a loved one, boyfriend, girlfriend, Mom, Dad, in the front row, make like your playing for them alone, try to block out all of the other people, I know this is easier said then done, but try it, it works for me!. Good luck!.!.!.!.!.I'll be thinking of you and crossing my fingers for you !!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you really know your piece, dont stress forgetting it so much!. I like to empty my mind when im performing ( i know its hard to do when you're in front of people), but when im not really thinking about it, my fingers just fall on their own!. if you do forget, and you absolutely dont know like the next 5 measures, just go back to a place where there is a repeat!. you might talk to your pianist beforehand and work out a place where you can recover after you forget!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take b-12 vitamins!. I do that sometimes!. It is for circulatory and nervous system health and it really calms you down and makes you a lot less anxious!. I take one 100 mcg tablet in the morning the day of the performance and it lasts you all day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

concentrate on your fingers!. For me, it works to "take myself to another place" I don't even have to think about something when I memorize it! But act like you're just practicing at home!. Close your eyes and imagine your living room!Www@QuestionHome@Com