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Question: How Long Will It Take To Learn Guitar!?!?!?
I have an electric and a acoustic what should i start with and for learnin how long!.!.!. i have good refleces from playing expert on gh3 so about how long to play some billy tallent, green day, or red hot chili peppers!?!?!?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would start with acoustic!. Its physically a little more difficult to play an acoustic, but that means that you'll strengthen your hands so that when you play the electric it will be much easier!.

As for how long it takes -- there is no easy answer to that!. It depends entirely on you, your willingness to learn and practice, your innate musical talents, and the amount of time you're willing to spend practicing every day!.

If you start now and spend time on it, you should be able to learn a handful of basic chords and be able to switch between them well enough to play simple accompaniment for some basic 3-chord folk or rock songs in a few months!. If you want to learn to play lead guitar, to improvise, make up your own solos, play by ear and figure out chords to songs you don't have written music or tabs for, and be good enough to be in a band -- figure on it taking a couple of years at least!. There are no shortcuts!. If it was easy, everybody would do it!.

And playing Guitar Hero 3 is NOTHING like playing a real guitar!. I don't care how good your "refleces" are!. Learning to play guitar isn't about good reflexes, its about developing muscle memory in your hands so that when you think "G chord" or "Bb pentatonic scale", they automatically know where to go -- and its just as much about developing your musical ear and sense of what sounds good so that you know what to play and when (and when NOT to play, sometimes)!. You don't learn any of those skills by playing a video game, sorry!.

If you're not willing to spend months and years getting good at the real thing, then stick with Guitar Hero 3!. There are already too many kids who can play the intro to this song and the lead solo to that song (learned from tabs) but who don't know what key they're playing in or what chords they're playing, and couldn't actually play and sing an entire song all the way through if their lives depended on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, but I don't consider your 'experience' playing guitar hero as counting for squat!.!.!. That is not playing a real guitar!.!.!. it's a computer keyboard that just LOOKS like a guitar!.

Start with the acoustic if you really want to learn how to play a guitar because you will not only need to learn the basics but you will need to unlearn all the bad habits you have picked up playing guitar hero!.

After a couple of years, you can start playing the electric!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Acoustic!. Definitely!.
It all depends on how long you are willing to practice everyday!.
I would start off with basic major scales, then go to minor and blues and other variations!.
Green Day songs are really easy, and most RHCP ones are!.
go to Ultimate-Guitar!.com and you can look up pretty much any tab!.

Good luck!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com