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Question: Should I learn the classical guitar!?
I'm 14 years old right now!. I've been playing piano since I was 7-ish, and I'm pretty good but not great, and I don't have the time to practice that often!. I also play the bass and dabble a bit in guitar!. Since my mom wants me to continue in classical music, but I don't practice piano enough, she's thinking about letting me learn classical guitar INSTEAD of piano!. I'm interested (very interested), but 1) I'm not so sure about giving up piano!.!.!. I enjoy playing, just not being constantly rebuked about the way I play!.!. 2) Is it too late for me to start learning!? 3) I'm not sure if I have good enough of a foundation in "regular" guitar!.!.!. seriously, I'm not being modest or anything, I suck!.
Any advice would be appreciated!. :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, we all have to start somewhere!. Just forget everything you already know about the guitar and piano and think of it as starting to learn a new instrument with a clean slate!. You will probably find playing the classical guitar completely different to what you already know about the (pop/rock) guitar

The good thing about the classical guitar is that it is portable ; you can't carry your piano around with you!. LOL

Make sure you get a good classical guitar teacher!.

PS This lady has only been learning for 18 months ; she is progressing very well!.



Maybe you should give the piano lessons a rest for a while as you concentrate on learning the guitar!. You can always go back to the piano if you miss it too much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their is no age to learn any instrument!. If you love the guitar, learn it!. You have an advantage by playing the piano!. Tat means that you are a good sight reader, have good ear training and should pick up the guitar very very quickly!.

Edit!.!.!.!. i play guitar and piano and both compliment each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If your interest in the guitar is genuine - not to get
"away" from practicing the piano, then the answer
is yes!.
The classical guitar is another way to expand your musical education (I play the classical guitar and I learned piano first) !.
You are already familiar with sight-reading the "G" clef so you won't find much difficulty in starting out with the classical guitar!.

There are many excellent classical guitar instructional books in the market place!.
Two good ones to begin-with are:
The Complete Carcassi Guitar Method
(Mel Bay Publications)
Aaron Shearer's Classical Guitar Technique Vol!.1
(Alfred Publishing Co!.)

Is never too late to start anything that stimulates
your brain and in particular something like music
that also bring you the opportunity to share your
talent with others!.
Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com


also, i had no idea what the word rebuked means!. i had to look it up in a dictionary!. you are obviously very smart!. your mom sounds strict!.

also, everyone sucks at guitar!. it doesn't matter!. doesn't matter if you don't have time either, just add alot of distortion and then some delay to your guitar sound!. what matters is that you get to hang out with your bros!./homies/buddies, whatever, and create some sick tunes before the whole planet explodes and try and have a good time!.

i'm learning to play the piano!. but i'm freaking awesome, not everyone can be like me!. sorry!. also, i play the bass, guitar, drums, samplers, kalimba, and sing/vocals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com