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Question: Band help!!?
i play clarinet and we have a scale test over the 12 major scales MEMORIZED on FRIDAY! i can barely play through all the scales without messing up like 3 times, but not even close memrized!! any practice strategies!?!? B flat clarinetWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If memory is worse than with music, then the problem is that you don't know the scales, not (just) that you can't execute the sequence of fingerings!. Nothing is going to save you but time!. But one thing that will buy you a little extra time, that you can do while riding the bus or whatever, is to mentally study the scales and then recite them in time!. E!.G!., in quarters:
Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, C, Db!. Once you have this going, start playing "air clarinet" by miming the fingering of each note!. When you go to the instrument, it will be easier, but note that this is an adjunct, not a substitute, for practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok this is how i learn!. before you play the scale say the name of the scale and then say all the sharps or flats in the scale like the G scale you would say " G scale it has and F sharp in it" the slowly start playing!. it really helps!.!.and practice all of them that same way!.!. your band teacher is not expecting you to play them at 100 mils per hour your teacher just wants to know if you know them!.!.good luck

just keep practicing- try playing through one scale, and every time you make a mistake you start it again- when you get it right 3 times in a row, go onto the next scale

if you think 12 scales are bad, i had to learn 100 for my grade 8 flute lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try writing them out!.!.!.and just keep going over and over them!.!.!.!.try looking at the paper and playing, then play it with your eyes closed!.

Good luck!.

That is a really hard test you have to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not as bad as you think!. its only the major scales!. practice them and recognize the patterns and you'll do fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just dont do this stuff last minute!. its the 4 letter word that everyone hates- 'time'!.

practice, practice, practice!. but not the last minute!Www@QuestionHome@Com