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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What would be a good stage name for me?

Question: What would be a good stage name for me!?
I want a name that sticks in your mind, and you immediately remember it forever!. Taj Mahal had the right idea -- who could forget that name!? I thought maybe Stone Mountain, or Boy Blue!. Maybe you could think of a better one!. My music is at http://www!.soundclick!.com/bands/default!.!.!.!. under the name Mike Stone, but there's about 6 performers with that name!. There's 11 songs there -- you could listen to a few bars of as many of them as you feel like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stone MaGee
Blue Stone
Stone River
Stone Ridge
Ike StoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Are you signed!? You see no one is going to want to give you a good name!. There are many lawsuits about nicknames people give out, without getting a contract!. Cause lets say you make it big, then bam, you use your nickname everywhere, and the person who gave you the nickname should get something!.

Being signed is only good if you have a solid contract!. You need to have the record label back you very well!. if you dont have that then your doomed!. They will leave you in the back with the lights turned off, if you know what i mean, when you aint hot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont sign with anyone who wants money from you if they are serious they will front the money dont let them get you to sign a contract without first letting an attorney look it over as for a nickname you got time for that just focus on your musicWww@QuestionHome@Com