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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Guitar- Any suggestions on how to memorise chords?

Question: Guitar- Any suggestions on how to memorise chords!?
I learn guitar, and I've been taught G, Em, C, D, and A!.

I think I'm going to find it difficult to memorise these!. Does anyone have any suggestions, or know any ways of memorising the structure of these chords!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you finger the chord!.
then you pick up yer fingers
put them back on fingering that same chord!.
do that over and over!.
so your fingers get use to it and you start to memorize it!.
i hope that helps!. ;]Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can learn lots of chords but your learning needs some structure!.

All of the chords you have learnt so far "go" with each other and you would find them in combination (as chord progressions) in many songs!.

You could do 3 things:

1!. Transcribe the chords to a different key and play the new chord progression that you find!.

2!. Learn some bar/barre chords to expand your playing with different sounds!.

3!. Explore the CAGED system!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Easter bunny goes dancing at Easter!?!? yes it is stupid, but if it helps then OK!.

You can buy a chord chart!.!.!.OOOR I really recommend you to learn some theory (chord structures!.!.!.like G major chord is G - B - D and so on)!.!.!.thus you will really understand what you do!.!.!.!.oh and!.!.!.!.I have to say it each time:D
I'm not a crazy 60yo classical music teacher with like twenty fully developed complexes!. I'm a metalhead!.!.!.yup!.!.!.that bunch of noise is my love!.!.!.and despite this I tell you to learn the theory!.

It's up to you, but it'll make a lot of things easier!.!.!.!.try to cram maths up or try to understand it!.!.!.which is better!?!?!.!.!.I think the latter!.
Good luck:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever heard of or used "FLASH CARDS"!.!.!. lots of schools use them!.!. Well make some flash cards of Guitar chords and practice learning them on sight!.!.

also!.!.!. BUY a CHORD CHART!.!.!. you can get one for $2 in just about any music store!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice!. also buy a chord chart, that are like $4, or you can get it off the internet!. But the main thing is to practice!. SorryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Practice!. It takes time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its simple, just practiceWww@QuestionHome@Com