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Question: Nerves!?!?!? Please Help Me!! I give best answers!!!?
Last year, when I tried out for choir, I was sooooo nervous that when I sang My Country Tis of Thee to try out, my whole body was shaking and that included my voice!. I still made choir, but this year I'm trying out for a very hard choir to get into, and I know I won't make it if I can't totally sing my best which would not include the shaking body and voice!. How do I calm myself down so that I'm not shaking!? This is something I don't think I can control!. How do I make it stop!?!?!?!? Please Help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What most people take as performance anxiety is usually adrenaline!. Adrenaline is the way your body reacts to stress, and singing a solo in front of other people is stressful!. When we're under stress, our body goes into "fight or flight" mode--heart racing, shallow breathing, shaking, etc!. This is why you have the physical symptoms you are describing!.

You cannot control the adrenaline--you're absolutely right! but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the stress!.
--Visualize yourself singing it for others and rocking the house (sounds cheesy, but it really does help you relax)
--Remember that the people listening to you are rooting for you!. You may not think so, but they're hoping you'll do well!.
--Try some deep breathing exercises!. Try to find a quiet place, sit down, and breath deeply for at least 5 minutes!. It may be hard to do this at first if you're nervous, so try counting to 5 slowly as you inhale, and 5 as you exhale!.

You will still have adrenaline when you get on stage, though using this tactics will help (or in front of others)!. Just ride it out; accept that it's happening!. Your performance may suffer a little at first, but just ride it out, let it happen, and eventually you'll start to feel better and your performance will improve!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would try to think of something else when you sing!.!.!. keep your mind off of actually singing and focus on a thought!.!.!. your body knows what to do, and it will since beautifullyWww@QuestionHome@Com

well try practicing when no one is around and imagine the crowd is there
and when its actually time to preform picture no one thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

Put yourself in situations that make you just a little bit nervous - and then conquer the nerves!. Doing that repeatedly helps get rid of the nervousness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com