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Question: Learning acoustic!?
I'm left-handed and I'm interested in learning acoustic guitar!. Are left-handed guitars cheap!? Can I learn on a right-handed one!? Are guitars "one size fits all" or are they made differently!? Would I have to get special music- like are the chords different because the guitar is flipped around!?

As you see, I have a lot of questions!. Help would be appreciated!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Michelle, i am left-handed and finished by learning and teaching right-handedly!.
Honestly, if I was to start over although, i would have stayed left-handed and not because i can't play right-handed!. I ama proficient guitarist!.

If you play left-handed, the notes are the same as long as you keep the same tuning and string position!. In other words, the 6th string is the fat E and the highest, is the high E!.Www@QuestionHome@Com