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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Singers and musicians: A question. Can i switch octaves in a song that I sing if

Question: Singers and musicians: A question!. Can i switch octaves in a song that I sing if it sounds OK!?
I have sung professionally many years ago but I am most certainly not a musician!.

Simply put: Can I switch octaves - one octave down - in a song if it sounds OK but the original song/singer has stayed in the same octave for the entire song!?

I have a deep bass *voice low B to F#* and sometimes when the song goes too high it feels OK (to me) to drop the octave, just for a phrase!.

Is this considered OK or would it demonstrate bad musicianship in an audition!? (Obviously I would inform the accompanist of the octave switch for the phrase)

Clearly the switch shouldn't ruin the dynamic of the song - I suppose what I am asking is: if it sounds OK is it OK to do it!?

Thanks in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're singing with a choir, it's okay to switch octaves!.

If you're singing a solo (such as during an audition), you should avoid switching octaves in the middle of the song, especially if the song is well-known!. Switching octaves also tells the adjudicator about limits in your range capacities!. I would only transpose down an octave in an audition if the notes are clearly and ridiculously too high!.

To solve this problem, you should either:
1!. Pick a song within your range
2!. Sing the whole song an octave lower
3!. Transpose the song into a key where you're comfortable singing all the high notes and low notes without switching octaves!.

If you pick option #3, you should transpose the sheet music for the pianist!. Since transposing by hand can be hard and troublesome, I recommend that you get a computer program to do it for you, such as Sibelius or Finale!. If you go to http://www!.sibelius!.com you can get a free demo-download that has the full capacities of Sibelius except saving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being able to switch octaves is GOOD!. The more octaves you can sing, the better range you have, and this is very desirable in the world of singing!.
If you switch octaves, you are still singing in harmony!. Sing your heart away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I, personally, have switched octaves in an audition and the result was fine!. I suppose it depends on how professional the setting is!. Maybe you should just find a song that's in your range!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I (Guitarist/Drummer) would advise you to stick with a song that suits your voice/singing capabilities!. If you audition infront of experienced professionals they will easily pick it up if you cannot reach the notes-heights from the song you are covering!.

Rather sing a song you now you will be able to nail as if it was you who wrote it!. If you sing with a band etc!. live you can probably get away with it since one shouldnt sing a song exactly like the original artist but in your own way in my view!. Same goes for the guitarist, drummer!. etc!. You will want to embrace a song in your own way and express yourselv!.

Good luck with your audition!Www@QuestionHome@Com