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Question: How to cry really really hard!? how to stop!?
i need tips for my next productionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This gets asked many times here, and people love to offer up "brilliant" ideas of how to shed real tears onstage!.

Take it from a longtime theatre pro -- you do NOT need to wring out real tears! In a large auditorium, who is going to see the moisture!? There are NO film close-ups in theatre!.

You can go through the motions of crying -- in other words, since you've no doubt cried for real in your life, use some sensory memory to recall what the physicalities were, or watch some film where a character cries!. But do NOT try to drudge up some unpleasant memory at the critical moment -- why on Earth would you want to be concentrating on anything other than the play you're doing!.

Crying is like any other physical things you do on stage -- they are NOT real!. Therefore, part of your craft is to make the audience believe you are actually crying!.

Think of it this way: If you WERE to actually cry and experience the emotion onstage, what would that do!? Well, your throat would constrict and your mouth would contort -- and the text you're speaking would be garbled!. Not a good idea at all!. If you were in a scene where you got stabbed, would you want the other actor to actually stab you so you would have an authentic reaction!?

Theatre is artifice and craft, dear -- not a documentary!.

Oh, and one other thing!. It is more effective to have your character fight to NOT cry -- it increases the tension for the audience!. Just blubbering like a baby will actually make an audience uncomfortable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first it depens on what style you are doing it!.!.!.Stanislavki is the easiest, i played Mary Warren in the Crucible and i foundmit so hard to make myself cry, but what Stanislavski teaches is, be the character, what would you do if you were the person you were playing!? also, most of the time the audiece cant see a single tear drop, if you make the facial expressions and noises, it brings the idea across to the audience!. other techniques are: think of something sad that has ahppened in you life!. Keep you eyes open and dont blink, in enough time your tears ducts react to the dust in the air and make them water erm!.!.!.onions befor you go on!?!?lol!.
How to stop:well, when the curtains close ir you go off stage, your not that character anymore, as the tears are 'fake' in a way and acting, it easy to just stopWww@QuestionHome@Com

think of something sad and try not to cry!.!.!.it works for me!. I'm also very good at just breaking into tears!. For me when someone says, "Cut!' I'm done and the tears immediately stop!. But it's different for every person!. Try several different ways and see what works best for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have someone hit you with a soldering iron!. That usually does it!. I don't know how to stop, though!.!.!.!.!. I need to figure that out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com