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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the easiest 3 songs to play on guitar?

Question: What is the easiest 3 songs to play on guitar!?
besides smoke on the water and iron manWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
house of the rising sun is pretty easy!.
the riff of wild cherry's play that funky music white boy
something in the way by nirvana!. it just like goes back and for from C to EmWww@QuestionHome@Com

Learn how to read music!.!.!. then you won't have to rely on someone transcribing real music into TABs and you can pick up any piano score and play it!.

Since you want to know "easiest 3 songs" I am going to guess you don't know chords, how to read music or much more than just a couple of chords, if that!.

You need to get with a teacher and they will help you FIRST learn how to play a guitar and SECONDLY they can make suggestions as to songs you can play at whatever level you happen to be!.

Learning how to play guitar for FREE off the internet will leave you frustrated and you will never really be much good at it!.!.!. it takes a live teacher to help you work through the things you need to learn at your basic levelWww@QuestionHome@Com

The easiest ones for you to play will be ones that you like so that you don't get bored practicing!. Look up tableture on the web for some of your favorite songs and see which ones look like they only have a few easy chords!. Some of your favorite songs may be easier to play than you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com