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Question: Real Guitarists!?!?
So i heard of jobs in restaurants or tiny clubs, where people sit and eat dinner, and a guitarist is on the stage with a friend on the drums or something, and they play stuff and get tips in a glass!.

Fellow guitarists!? What you think you would play for these kind of settings!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is nothing new!.!.!. I was doing that in 1957 and that was over FIFTY YEARS AGO!.!.!. so if you think that is new!.!.!. then you must be very young!.

The first time I went to Continental Europe, I was 17 and had a few clothes in a small backpack and my guitar!. I was a street musician for 3 years!.!.!. playing guitar on street corners and in subway stations during the day and playing piano in bars and restaurants at night!.!.!. ALL FOR TIPS!.!.!. and I made enough to live on!.!.!. never go rich!.!. but I made a good enough living that I could have continued on for years if my parents hadn't twisted my arm to come home and go to college!.

Today, I STILL play in small clubs or intimate venues because I prefer them to the concerts!. With the small appearances, you can play anything you want to play and change your repertoire from day to day or hour to hour and it doesn't matter!. With concerts you have a list to play from and you are stuck with whatever the leader wants to perform!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it depends on what kind of place it is!. Like my boyfriend, he sometimes gets gigs at places like that, and he plays stuff like 3rd eye blind, and soft stuff like that!. I have also done it, and I played jazz!.
Good luck, if thats what you are going to do!. I hope you do some interesting, fun, cool, catchy music to get the people more interested!. Thats what makes it so cool!.
have fun!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com