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Question: Making a film!?
For my final project i have to memorize lines and then act a play with my friend at home and videotape it!. does annyone know a good tric of hiding the lines and then reading them during the taping

my teacher told us that she altready knows all the tricks

thanks so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
have all your lines on a sheet in large writing, and have someone hold them up for you!. If yo uare supposed to be looking at someone else, have the lines held right over their sholder, so it at least looks like you are making eye contact with them!. Of coarse, you COULD always try actually memorizing the lines, like you are supposed to! but really!.!. whats the fun in that!?! :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Think of how reporters do it!. Lines right over the camera, so you can look in that general direction while reading it!. Make sure the text size is big enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com