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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Lessons on learning how to scream? (screamo)?

Question: Lessons on learning how to scream!? (screamo)!?
Alright, so i want to join this band!. but its a screamo band!.!! i really gotta learn how to scream!. my friend knows how to, she says just listen to underoath over and over!. i try, but its really hard and my scream always turn up rhaspy, and well!.!.!.not good!. any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
look up the band Arch Enemy!. yeah, thats a chick screaming at you!. there are videos of her explaining how she learned to scream like that, i believe they can be found on youtube, or arch enemys myspace!. DO NOT try to do it till you know how to do it, because it can screw up your vocal chords real real quick, to the point where you will need surgery!. im not even close to joking!. if after a couple months you still havent got it sorted, id say your probably not going to be able to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would say keep practicing you know what they say pratice makes perfectWww@QuestionHome@Com