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Question: Teenage Musicians!?
For those of you who have done auditions for selective honor ensembles or contests, what do you usually wear to the audition!? (I know it sounds like a stupid question, but it would make me feel way better to know) also, do your parents usually come in with you and wait somewhere, or do they usually drop you off!?

(I play clarinet and I'm auditioning at New England Conservatory Prep School, just fyi)

Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good luck with your auditions! Wear something comfortable to play in and that looks nice!. You don't have to wear concert black or anything!. My mom always made me nervous so my dad took me to my auditions!. He wasn't with me during the process or warm-ups; he waited outside and read a book or something!. It's good to have some support near by!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good Luck! I know how nerve racking they can be!. I play the clarinet as well and I find slacks are easier!. The easiest way to put it is wear something that you would wear to a nice interview!. I usually wear concert blacks because its easier but I try to put something with it that makes me stand out like a fashionable top or a bright necklace!.
As for the parents!. They can do either!. Its depends on what makes you feel more comfortable!. I've always gone with my music teacher because my parents just make me feel more nervous!. Hope you do well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if it's a blind auditon (meaning they don't see you), where whatever you want!. If they will see, wear something that's comfortable yet isn't too casual!. Concert black isn't necessary, but you don't want ripped jeans or anything like that!. I usually have my parents come in, since it's just good support, but if you feel that they'd make you more nervous, then just have them drop you off!. Good luck! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because you don't have to wear concert blacks, doesn't mean you shouldn't!. If the judges see you, you want to make sure you look your best--professional and confident!. First impressions are important!

My parents were never present for my auditions, though they were usually nearby (until i could drive, anyway)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well best of luck to your audition, wear something that's semi formal!. but it's not really necessary to wear typical black slacks and white blouse or any other, your suit must be compatible to the theme whatsoever still wear something that's comfy and something that really fits yer style and personalityWww@QuestionHome@Com