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Question: Majoring in music - Need to learn piano!?
I plan to major in music and I REALLY need to learn piano!. I am going into 11th grade!. Should I take lessons or can I just teach myself!? If I should take lessons, how long should I take them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lessons!. Definately!. I have been trying to teach myself for 3 years, and if I get stuck, I'm just stuck until I find someone to teach me what I don't understand!. I can't afford lessons!.!.!.

Anyway, I would take lessons all the way through college if you don't have any piano experience, and you plan to major in music!. Depending on what specific major you take, some colleges offer piano classes, so that's another option for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you want to learn piano well, i suggest you take lessons!. it depends on how fast you learn, because the time it takes to keep taking piano lessons until you have to skill down pat differs for everybody!. i've been taking it for 6 years (with a teacher), although it took me only several months to learn the keyboard and notes and etc!. the rest of my time was dedicated to skill and techniqueWww@QuestionHome@Com