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Question: How do I learn music!?
I played bass guitar for many years through my teen years and college!. I would consider myself good but I got bored with it and fell out of practice!.

I think where things fell down was that I lacked a knowledge of how music really works so the creative element was lacking!. I was just replicating what others had done!.

I still have good dexterity in my hands and such!. I'm not really worried about the technical aspects, those will come back!.

I'm more interested in how music works!. Someone recommended I start with the 'Rudiments of Western Music' (a book)!. I think I know enough theory to work with it!.

I'm heavily interested in jazz!. Is this a good way to start!? Where should I go from here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Get "practical theory complete" by alfred publications!. It is a straightforward workbook in theory that covers all the basics and gives a solid foundation in music theory!. When you're finished with that, email me-I'll have more titles to push you on further!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have the same problem!. I play the upright bass!. I can play almost anything by ear, but I have no clue what I'm doing!. I only know a little theory!. If you can afford it, find a teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com