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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is recording yourself a good idea on how to improve as an actor?

Question: Is recording yourself a good idea on how to improve as an actor!?
I want to use a digital camcorder to record myself!. Has anyone tried this!? Is this a good idea!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is an exceptionally good idea!. Any film production that can afford it has its film cameras hooked up to digital cameras for instant playback so the director and actors can see what they're doing and evaluate whether it's good enough!. Just as a dancer needs to see the lines he's making, an actor can see much better whether her gestures, elocution, projection, etc!. are what the actor (or director) intended!.

Michael Caine is one actor who has a video on acting specifically for film (and, I guess, TV)!. Then there's something to be gained from seeing performances of the same role by different great actresses!. I think immediately of Jessica Lange and Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and the various actors who've played in several film versions (or filmed play versions) of Hamlet and Macbeth!.

Break a leg!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yahh it is a good idea u could promote ur self as a good signer just in case there was a singing part in it so yahh it would totally be a good ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com