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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have a band and...what types of furniture should i have in my studio???

Question: I have a band and!.!.!.what types of furniture should i have in my studio!?!?!?
I have a band called the chocolate studios,and we are making a studio and we dont know what kind of furniture and the cheapest sound equipment company we shuold have!.!.!.HELP!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, if you are making your own studio with a cheap budget you need:

1) A small room for recording (A!.K!.A Isolation booth), things you need in that room:

A)Studio foam (depending how big the room is, prices can vary too how much you need but the cheapest one would be:http://www!.guitarcenter!.com/Auralex-DS-2!.!.!.
It includes everything for a cheap price, but you may need to buy more foam)

B)Some acrylic glass instead of regular glass because acrylic glass does not reflect the sound

2) The Control room, Things you need in that room:

A) You need alot of desks for mixers, rack systems, e!.t!.c!.

B) At least one sofa (for comfort), at least 3 computer chairs, and at least 3 stools!.

That should get you started, Most professional studios include a "Live" room, but you don't need that just yet, until you advance in the recording industry!. Other than that, I hope I didn't leave anything out, and I hope this answers your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com