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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is it nice and fun to play the guitar or an electric one?

Question: Is it nice and fun to play the guitar or an electric one!?
is it i've been wanting to play it but wich one or are they the same like electric and a normal guitar is it the same learning how to play either or is it very different i like how it sounds and all but is it easy ihad quit playing the piano because it got a bit boring now i want to play the harp but since it is difficult to find somebody teavhing me i turneed to the guitarso is it fun
is it nice
do you have to practice A LOT
i became more interested when i saw a pink oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it is an Acoustic!.

It all really depends on what you wanna do and where you want to go with it!. Acoustic is harder, but if you start learning on that, it helps your fingering and such, but electric is easier to play in some ways begining wise!.!.!.!.!.And yes, you have to practice A LOT! And you get some painful calluses on your fingers!. and i recommend some lessons to start out with!.!.!.!.!.i meant to do that, but i didn't and yeah, it'll help in the long run!. :D And i'd recommend getting a cheap-o one from target or something to start with and see how you like it and then upgrade so you don't spend unnecessary money!. :] and also, TAB is easier to learn songs with and its simple to learn!. i tried stafff music and it confused me though i had played with it for 3 years before on clarinet!.!.!.!.!.!.

you have any more Qs, jus task!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Electric guitar and acoustic guitar (what you call "normal") are tuned the same, the notes and chords are the same, so you can start on one and then learn the other later if you like!.

Playing guitar can be a lot of fun, especially if you get good enough to play music with other people!. But if you want to get good, then YES -- you DO have to practice a lot!. If it was easy, everybody would do it!.

But if you enjoy playing then practicing is fun!.

You should get some lessons to make sure you're doing things correctly, otherwise its very easy to develop bad habits that will make it hold you back later or even injure your hands or wrists over time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's take your last question first: to play any instrument well, you need to practice a lot!.

As for which guitar to play, acoustic will give you a wider range of styles earlier--look at what range of sounds Ani di Franco and Dave Matthews can generate from an acoustic!. I'd start on electric only if I were certain I wanted to limit myself to some flavor of punk-rock!. But the fingerings are the same for both and the right-hand techniques are similar, so it's rather easy to pick up the other after you've learned either!.

Two pointers for you--

1!. Get lessons--at least a dozen or so--to start!. There are some bad habits that self-taught guitarists suffer from that can lead to carpal tunnel or other bad juju!. Get your fundamentals corrected first, then you can learn on your own if you don't mind going slower!.

2!. For a beginner, you make faster progress if you practice many short sessions per day!. Try 4 or 6 times, not more than 10 minutes at a time!. Then each week, increase the time limit by a couple of minutes, and eventually reduce the number of practices, until you are doing one daily session of an hour or more!. This yields faster progress at first, and it builds stamina with less risk of blisters or tendinitis or that painful stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com