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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm eager to play guitar -?

Question: I'm eager to play guitar -!?
Hi there, I'm really keen to play guitar - I can sing very well and play certain songs - I don't know what I'm playing in guitar sense as I don't know the chords and notes I'm picking/strumming I just know the general sense of what I'm picking away at - I have attended guitar lessons but I am unable to do so anymore as have something else on that night - is there any good sources of information where I can learn guitar and is cauual/friendly based kind of a guide - thanks : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hey there timothy
im learning the guitar too and ive found the following resources extremely helpful
1!. ultimateguitar!.com -lessons, tabs, forums to clear doubts- it has it all
2!. guitarmasterclass!.net
3!. vguitarlessons!.com - 12 brilliant video lessons for free
4!. ry out this link- http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=Dby4vIOEJ!.!.!. its a bunch of video lessons on how to play the guitar !.!.!.!.its on youtube

alll the best and have fun

Get an individual teacher since you can't seem to get it from the group sessions!. You will need to learn the basics before you can start banging away on songs and that includes learning chords and notes!. I assume you can already read standard music notationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try www!.ultimate-guitar!.com!. They give lessons online as well as reviews and tabs etc!. Read a bit up on scales and you should be fine! Good luck nd keep it upWww@QuestionHome@Com