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Position:Home>Performing Arts> For nylon string guitar- Dean Markley Pro Mag SC-1 Acoustic Guitar Pickup or Dea

Question: For nylon string guitar- Dean Markley Pro Mag SC-1 Acoustic Guitar Pickup or Dean Markley Artist Transducer!?
which one is better for a classic nylon string guitar!?which one can you plug into computer!?do any require making holes or any modifications to your guitar!?thanxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dean Markley says the Artist Transducer!. I don't think you can even use the Pro Mag because of the nylon strings ("Mag" is short for magnet)!. Maybe the following sites will help you though:

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Why do you want to mount a pickup on it!? You can clip a good quality condenser mic onto the sound hole and get excellent sound from it, and a mic can be plugged directly into the board!.Www@QuestionHome@Com