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Question: I want to play a flute!?
I want to know a few things!. First, is it going to be very diffivult for me to switch to the flute!. I have played the violin for three years but I have always wanted to play the flute!. What kind of flute should I start out with!? How much will that cost!? do you think it will be better to just start out playing with a rented instrument!? can some one please give some basic information about the flute and the parts of a flute!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Start off with this flute http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Western_con!.!.!.
It's a regular C flute
It has three parts the head joint, the body, and the foot joint those are the only three parts you just put them together (have someone show you how to position them and tune the flute) and get a beginners book on how to play!.
Flutes are not that expensive you should buy one from a music store!. Or maybe rent one, if you want to just try it for a while first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never ever buy any instruments off eBay, because you do not know what rubbish you might get! Instead, choose a good quality instrument already from the beginning, it will cost you a bit more money but it is much more worthy than buying a cheap flute first and having it fixed all the time! As a brand I suggest Yamaha, and closed-hole flute is the best choice for you at this stage!. also, as flute is quite a challenging instrument, I advice you to take proper lessons with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would get a beginners flute (closed holes)!. When I first started playing, it costed around 300$!. I would start playing with a rented one, and see how u like it!. then buy one if u want to really commit!. i have been playing flute for almost 4 years, and its something i myself, am really passionate about!. there is a headjoint, where u blow air, the body with the keys, and the footjoint!. u hold the lfute to the right side of u, placing ur hands left first, right second!. i would suggest getting urself a private teachers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a flute from ebay!. Get a Bundy!. Have it fixed!. You will spend less than $100!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
