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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Help me make it!?

Question: Help me make it!!?
am a fourteen year old black british girl in UK!. I dont know exactly what I want to be when I am older!. I definitley know that I would love to become really great in the West End!. I am strong in acting, okay in singing and dancing!. What can I do to make sure I can be in the West End!? What can I do!? I cant afford drama clubs etc and i am going to stay in school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One thing you could do is to start your own FREE drama club!. Get some friends together to get the ball rolling, and to tell others about your club!. The only thing you need to do is target other students who enjoy the performing arts!. Get together once a week or so to discuss whatever topics people bring up, create "auditions," write a musical together, etc!. Just be creative! I'm sure there are others in your same situation who will appreciate your efforts!.

You should also do some self-educating!. Read as much as you can about the performing arts, read reviews by top critics, and learn how the industry works!. The more you immerse yourself in this process to reach your goal, the more people you will meet who may be able to help you with suggestions for making it to the West End!.

Good luck!
