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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to ask on improvement?

Question: How to ask on improvement!?
Okay, my choral director had us audition for a solo!. I did, and she told me during the audition that I was very talented and had alot of potential in other words!. So considering since she has given me good feedback for awhile, you would think I would make one of these auditions, right!? It turns out that I didn't get the solo (It became divided into parts so that multiple people did it) I don't know how to ask her what I need to improve on for the next audition without sounding too cocky or too confident!. I am starting to get frustrated because she claims I'm talented yet I have yet to get a solo or a part of one!. Any suggestions!? Thanks in advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you should just ask her!. If you ask her about how you could improve it's not cocky or over confident!. You're just asking for help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com