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Question: Easy guitar question!?
so when i was first beginning it used to be my finger tips that hurt but now that i have callouses they are fine

now its my finger/forearm muscles that are hurting, like my fingers are sore if thats possible or just really tired

how can i stop this other than stop playing for a while, should i eat more bananas!? lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is all part of learning how to play!. I've been playing for about 8 years now and theres still times when I will feel pains in my hands, forearms, etc!. Just practice, play as often as possible, and these will become little more than annoyances!. Excercises for your grip, and forearms, etc!. can also help develop some strength and lessen some of these if your up for trying that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do some minor stretching before and after you play!. Playing an instrument is kind of like an exercise, but that focus more on the arms' and fingers' muscles!.

also, it is crucial to make sure your guitar is set up properly!. When I was a new guitarist, I knew nothing about guitar maintenance and was so sick of the pain, I nearly quit!. Setups adjust your guitar so it is playable with ease and makes it sound the best, so make sure it's been done!.

Guitar setups can be done at guitar shops or by individuals who know their stuff!.

It could also be your technique!. Look into some guitar lessons or videos to ensure you are using proper technique and aren't creating bad habits for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

whenever you are just sitting around doing nothing, clench your fingers and release over and over until you can't keep doing it!. This is what my Band Director tells us to do, and it really helped improve my finger speed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice, the more you play, the less pain you will feel eventually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get one of those figer exercisers Jk most likely you will just have to wait like with the callouses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com