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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Auditioning at New England Conservatory Preparatory School?

Question: Auditioning at New England Conservatory Preparatory School!?
I've got two auditions at New England Conservatory Prep this weekend!. I play clarinet, and I'm auditioning for a wind ensemble and an orchestra!. This is the first time I've auditioned there!. Can anyone who's been through the audition process there explain what it's like!? Forms, will I have a chance to warm up, is it rushed, crowded, a single judge or a panel, etc!?

The more you can say, the better!. I want to feel as prepared as possible, and not get thrown by anything along the way!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't auditioned there, but I can tell you what auditions are like!. Before I go into all this detail, I would say the best thing to do would be to contact the school and ask them these questions!. After all, they are the ultimate source on how they do auditions!.
1!. Some schools do have a form, usually pretty short, to fill out with some general info about you!.
2!. Yes, you will have a chance to warm up, but it may just be in the hall outside the room/recital hall you will audition in!. Some schools will provide a warm up room or access to student practice rooms to warm up in!.
3!. Auditions are rarely if ever rushed as they know you are already under a lot of stress and them pushing you to speed it up doesn't help!. They would rather run late than push students!.
4!. Since it sounds like it is an audition day (though you didn't specify, but an audition on a Saturday implies that) there will probalby be a pretty good number of other auditioners, but it'll still be pretty open!.
5!. It'll most likely be in front of the clarinet professor, director of band(s), director of orchestra(s) and other woodwind faculty, possibly music chairperson!. Again, each school is different so they may just have the director of the wind ensemble and orchestra there!.
6!. To be prepared, ignore all of the stuff above!. Can you change if you get a good place to warm up!? Can you change if it is crowded, in ront of a single judge or a panel!? Just get there early, find a place to warm up to your comfort of warming up if they don't provide one (again, call them), make sure you know your audition piece(s) extremely well, probably some scales, be ready to sight read a small section of music!. Make sure you are there a few minutes before your audition time so you can do whatever you need to do to calm your nerves, and to be professional and calm!. Show you are happy to be there, hide that you are nervous, and show that you enjoy playing the music you are playing!. Even if you botch it bad, if you make it look like you love playing that piece, and that you don't show the mess up (e!.g!. botching a 16th note series and just getting on track at the beginning of the next beat without any real facial expression or stopping) they will be impressed and (probably) more likely to give you a high rating!.
Other than that, good luck!. Call them to get all the info though, they'll know much better than I will about exactly what they do, and the chances of a person who has done what you are about to do reading your question is pretty slim chances!. After all, they pretty much have to be searching for your question which isn't very likely as most people just see what questions are on the main page and if they can answer it!. As over a half hour went by before I caught your question, you won't get much else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG that is my dream to go there for clarinet or bass clarinet too! i don;t know much but good luck!!!

but not really luck because its all about cause and effect!.!.!.you pracrtice practice practice and the effect of good things will come :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com