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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Wango Tango...Any advice for my Wife and three children going to this concert?

Question: Wango Tango!.!.!.Any advice for my Wife and three children going to this concert!?
My wife and three children, 10, 10 and 4 will be attending Wango Tango this year!.!.!.and I would like to know any tips so they can be prepared and my wife not to stress out too much with kids!.

I wont be attending because I only bought them tickets because well its mostly for the kids, although now I wish I would of to help her out!.

Ive been and go mostly to big Rock concerts or Music festivals where there are thousands of people and very few facilities, lots of rage and of course pushing and bumping as you walk through the crowd!. OF COURSE I know this wont be nothing like this so this is why Im asking for her what to expect!.

She will be in the lawn section, I know my oldest ones can pair up but my 4 year old worries me as far as not being able to walk or stand long or of course GOD hope not walking off , aside from that my wife maybe having to carry her to be able to see the stage!.

Whats it like for anyone whose been to that field and any tips will be appreciated!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have sat before in the lawn section at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater!. It's not bad at all!. You can see the stage even though it's far back!. Just like every other amphitheater, there are those 2 huge screens above the stage, one on the left and right!. also, I was at Wango Tango last year (Same place last year) and I'm going again this year!. There is really no pushing around in the crowd because the place is HUGE!. The village where all the rides will be and autograph sessions is a good place to hang out before the show!. You are allowed to bring a blanket or a small beach chair for the lawn!. The lawn is also really big so if you get up there first you could pick where you sit!. Lawn tickets say things like "Lawn 6" and a row but the lawn is not split up- you sit wherever you want!. I hope it all goes well!.

Wango Tango is FUN!Www@QuestionHome@Com