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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Some info on bass guitar?

Question: Some info on bass guitar!?
first off, i play the violin!. ive been playing for about 4 years now!. would this playing the bass!? (i know the bass has a bass cleft, but would knowing treble clef help!?)


do u think id be better of playing the guitar!? im kinda shy, and i don't play very loud in orchestra!. i started wanting to play the bass guitar about 3 months ago!. my mom offered me to sign up for some lessons!.!.!.should i!? also i loveee pete wentz! lolz!. anyway, thanks for answering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is a crazy fun bass to see, hear, and play!.!.!.
it only has 2 strings and is fretless!