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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I learn to strum?? I am a beginner and I play an acoustic guitar. Please

Question: How can I learn to strum!?!? I am a beginner and I play an acoustic guitar!. Please read---!?
I have been playing for about a month!. I play mostly christian songs, some Beatles and stuff too though!.!.!.I am getting pretty good at playing my chords, but all I am doing is a simple down stroke!.!.!.

How do I learn to strum though!?!? I don't get the pattern!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are different strumming patterns!.

Essentially if you know your rhythm you know that beats are counted as 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &

As such 1, 2 ,3 and 4 are up strums and down strums are always on the &!.

Depending on the song, there are rules, but essentially you can create your own patterns!.

Youtube "strumming techniques" there are great tutorials there which help you start off with the basics!. There is no "universal" pattern or a book of listed patterns!.

I guess the best way is to get a pick and keep doing down strum patterns, different ones until you get a sense and feel to the pick against the strings, then you can start adding up strums!. On a side note, whether you strum the strings or not, the hand is constantly moving up and down!.

Good luck~Www@QuestionHome@Com

many simple strumming patterns exist, try practicing simple up and down strokes!. after mastering that try some simple patterns such as a down down up up down!.up strokes give a happier tone and down strokes are more of a darker richer tone!. since you play christian, try listening to some songs, such as a david crowder song, and mimic the strum pattern as you listen!. i know that watching videos helped me learn at first and now im play some crazy stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are using your fingers, go down with the fingernails and up with the thumb nail!. If you try it the other way around you can tear nails!. If you are using a pick, Star with a simple down stroke, like you are already doing!. Then, move to a down up, down up!. Next, go with long down, silent up, down - up - down - up - down - up / Down - silent up - down - up - down - up - down - up / Move your hand whether you actually strum or not!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is an exercise that will help you!. Strum down all six strings then pick, one at a time, back up from the bottom string!. ie: E B G D !. Remember, this is an exercise not while playing a song!. This exercise will teach you different rhythms!. Practise!. Good Luck and enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com