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Position:Home>Performing Arts> As a musician, do you think it's better to be phenomenal at one instrument o

Question: As a musician, do you think it's better to be phenomenal at one instrument or pretty good at several!?
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I would say it is better to be good at multiple instruments because you can play a wider variety of different music and have different sounds!. It is good idea to try on all of them though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I were starting out, and wanted to find work, I would do what it takes to play my instrument phenomenally!.

But I would also learn other sizes of that instrument, and perhaps other instruments as well!.

It is a plus for any musician to able to sight-read at the piano, for instance!.

If you play the clarinet, also master the E-flat and Bass clarinet and be comfortable with the other sizes as well, of course!.

If you play trumpet, know how to play the different sizes, including the piccolo trumpet ("Bach trumpet")!.

Violinists typically know the viola, as do cellists!. Cellists also know the Bass, and vice versa!.

And so it goes!.

You may be right that many first rate musicians are not phenomenal at their instrument (I would completely disagree, but whatever), but the point is not how good somebody is!. They've GOT the job!. You are trying to GET the job!. You have to set your sights high, because the other guy trying for that spot has also set his sights high!.

You can say how it's not important to play superbly til the cows come home, but the only thing that matters at the end of the day is that when you audition, you're the best person there!.

You might not be better than the other guy, but if you also play some other instruments, it can make a big difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally believe it's best to have one instrument be your speciality!. It's common for many players to "double," meaning they have a specialty but are good at a second instrument (for example, it's common for clarinets to double on sax and vice versa)!. Band teachers must be proficient in all instruments but they still have one primary instrument!.

Being great at one instrument is best - how can you expect to get a job or be an effective musician if you don't have one single focus!? Just because you're decent at 5 instruments doesn't mean you'll get hired - you're going against thousands of people who are great at one instrument!. The only good side to this is you can be called in during an emergency if there's no one to fill in a missing part!.

Focus on one instrument, it's GREAT to learn more - but don't let it be your complete focus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Phenomenal !!!! Its nice to know other instruments but choose one that you love (or one type ex!. percussion, wind) and go as far as you can go with it!.!.!.!.because when you listen to a band whats more important!? That they can play all the instruments ok and sound ok!? or they can each play there one instrument amazingly and make the band althoughter sound Phenomenal!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

my brother is a PHENOMENAL Alto Sax player!.!.!. he also plays Tenor Sax, Soprano Sax, and plays around a bit on the Barry Sax!.!.!.!. its nice when he plays his other instruments but listening to him on his Alto is a REAL treat!.!.!. he is very passionate about it!.!.!.to the point of he has played his heart out!.!.!. and then passed out!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

commercial musicans now are crap!. nothing more to say

And I think its way better to phenomenal at one instrumentWww@QuestionHome@Com