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Question: Ahhhh please i suck at playing guitar!?
Ok ive been learning how to play guitar for nearly a year now!.!. it take a while for me to get anything but im finding it extra hard to play guitar
anyone know anything that could help me get the hang of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am a real fan of video's!. You can use them over and over and re-watch parts until you understand them!. COMCAST on demand offers free guitar lessons via video's!.

How much do you practice!. I am a music teacher and I find that a little practice VERY often is much better than a lot of practice here and there!. Make sure you are picking up your guitar EVERYDAY, even if it is only for 10 minutes!.

How do you practice!? Do you run a song from begining to end, or in small pieces!. I find it best if musicians practice on small phrases then put the phrases together as they get them down!.

How fast do you practice!? Use a metronome and practice slowly at first!. You can speed up later!. Check out the free sample software at theamazingslowdowner!.com

Psst!.!.!.who says you suck!? We all are our own worst critics!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK!. What is your specific problem!? Can you play the basic chords, and change between them!? If not, that's probably the best place to start - making sure that each chord sounds clearly and that you can move from one to the next smoothly and quickly!. Next, can you play along with a song , either from a CD/radio or somebody singing!. I assume that by now you've got over the pain barrier!. Thirdly, can you play riffs and note patterns!?
Sorry, it's a bit vague, but if you care to email me (see my profile) I can maybe give more specific help!.

Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've been playing for about the same amount of time!. All I've been doing to get better is finding tabs on songs that are easy to learn, then I try to look for similar ones that use one different chord I haven't learned yet so I gradually get better at the new one while at the same time I get faster at all the old ones!. That seems to work for me!. Other than that, practise makes perfect or something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have been playing for 6 years now!. Started learning by finding an acoustic song on the radio or just some piece that I enjoyed hearing, went online, found the tab and started trying to learn it by placing my fingers where the tab indicated!.

6 years later i can hear any song on the radio and learn how to play it in a few minutesWww@QuestionHome@Com

learn about chromatic scales and take guitar lessons at a local music shop!.!.!.if you cant afford a guitar lesson buy a good guitar book from guitar center!.!.!.one that teaches music and one that suites you style of music!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What exactly are you having problems with!. I can probably help you if your more specific!.

P!.S!. Don't take that one person's advise of trying something else!. Stay with it!! There's a reason people say "Stay with it," its because they've gone through exactly what your going through and they worked through it and found the reward of doing so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hire a TEACHER!.!.!. trying to learn for FREE on the internet doesn't work!.!.!. the free stuff is worth less than what you pay for it!.!.!. and you have found that out the hard way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok so you suck at playing guitar ,why not try something elseWww@QuestionHome@Com