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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good music book for beginners playing the flute?

Question: What is a good music book for beginners playing the flute!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I play the flute and I have a book called Standard of Excellence and it is by Bruce Pearson and you can buy the book online at http://www!.amazon!.com/Standard-Excellenc!.!.!.
it is a great book and I use it too! It has CD's included to help you play better!. It is a great book and I hope you use it!.
~Allie RWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am an elementary school teacher and I like a book called "Essential Elements 2000"!. It has a DVD that shows you how to assemble, hold, and get your initiol tones out!. It also has a playalong cd!. Included on the DVD is a CD ROM that has some computer sotware!. On of the software programs allows you to play the playalong tracks at a slower speed via your computer!.

If you call your local music store and talk to their flute teacher they will likely suggest a book geared towards flute instead of a band method book!. The band method books like "Essential Elements 2000" and "Standard of Excellence" don't start with the best notes for flute!. I still like them because of the DVD movie and the playalong tracks!.

The most important thing about playing flute isn't really which book you use!. It is how you form and use your "embochure" meaning the way you shape your mouth when you play!. So, either watch a video or seek help with that before you start playing too much on your own!.

Good luck, and have FUN!Www@QuestionHome@Com

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Do NOT use essential elements as a start up book for Flute! This is a band method book and is not specific to flute players! I have had to correct countless problems in my students because their band teacher started them on this book! Try one the following:

1) Trevor Wye's Beginners book
2) Abracadabra Flute (by Pollock)
3) Karen Smithson Playing the Flute Vol 1 or 2
4) Take Up The Flute Book One
5) Any other of Trevor Wye's books

These are written by Flute players FOR flute players!
also ask your Flute teacher if you have one!Www@QuestionHome@Com