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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Why do I have selective stage fright?!?

Question: Why do I have selective stage fright!?!!?
Whenever I act, I'm completely fine whether I'm by myself on stage or with people!. But when I sing, my whole body starts to shake and I feel like I'm doing a terrible job!. I can never sing as well in front of people as I do when I practice!. Why is that!? Is there anything I can do to stop it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know lots of people who had your exact problem and were able to overcome it!. The key is practicing, being confident and acting while your singing!. Know your song inside and out and be confident you know it! Since acting comes so naturally you might find it easier to perform if you sing in a character!. Give the singer a a background and prepare it like a monologue with stage directions!. It's also easier if you pick a song from a musical!. Which you might also want to take a look at doing as well if you can also dance!. Incorpoarting your acting into your singing will help distract you from your stage fright and it will eventually go away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think because when acting you are playing the part of someone else, and when you are acting you are interacting with other people and objects the focus is not totally on you

when you sing most of the time its just you on stage, or you with a choir or in a duet, but there is nothing else for people attention to be focused on!.!.!. it can be nerve wracking but its rewarding if your not comfortable with singing though then stick to what you love and excel in itWww@QuestionHome@Com

What I do is I imagine being alone!.!.!.and in my bedrrom singing my heart out!. I pay no atention to anyone around me and I believe that I doing the best job in the world!. Don't make eye contact with anyone!.!.!.That makes it harder to get back into the zone of singing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you obviously arent as confident singing as you are acting; maybe singing in front of your family & friends!.!. moving up to your class and stuff should helpp get confidence when people tell you how amazing you are!
Well i hope i helped!;]XXWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's just singing is harder!. Critics are tougher, emotions are harder to manipulate then through a script!. You sound like you are more comfortable acting then you are singing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com